Poetry Shuttle 21
Dive into the artistic mind of Alessio and take a poetic journey to a world less traveled. As an admirer of all things artful and poetic one of the key aspects that is often times missed is the delivery of a poem.
This podcast series is dedicated to taking a different approach to poetry, attempting to breathe more life back into poetry through music, Fx sounds and of course spoken voice. “How does the ordinary person come to the transcendent? For a start, I would say, study poetry. Learn how to read a poem. You need not have the experience to get the message, or at least some indication of the message. It may come gradually.”Joseph Campbell
In this Podcast series we'll focus on nurturing tolerance, diversity, equality, spirituality and embracing self-empowerment. We proudly deliver spoken word poetry, insightful interviews and mini documentaries with all walks of life on a variety of topics that matter most.
Subscribe to our podcast for upcoming interviews, poetry releases and discussion topics.
We welcome you with arms wide open to join us as we help to empower the world through the education of self awareness, love, tolerance and acceptance of all nations, colors and creed.
Poetry Shuttle 21
Unknown Destination
Poem: Unknown Destination
Windy walks on dirt roads
Holding hands
With the oceans breeze
Sun Sings along
Trees dance
To the ambiance of the stars
And galaxies
Sands of timeless yesterday's
Run between my beating hearts toes
Laughing freely to the beat of old cassette tape decks
That still
Clicks and ticks
To the beats
And tones of earths symbiotic vibrations
Into the soul of existence
Connected to the timeless within
Uniting us together as one once again
Within you and me
And the spirits of love, life
And eternal understanding
Making my heart dance
To earth
In loving spirits existence
Living between a human eye's shadow
Cloaking true treasures
Looking within and dream to be what you
Were meant to be
A true treasure in the making
A diamond in the rough
Always perfect
with each imperfection
Simply misunderstood
A power to be found on a journey
Traveled by one to the infinite many